
The Best Ways To Get More Reviews

The best strategies for making reviews a priority across an organization include: Making better reviews a top-down focus; executives need to communicate the importance. Developing a scorecard that tracks reviews by locations (similar to our SERP score, but for reviews). Asking for reviews doesn’t require any special tools or technology, just a commitment to see it through.

The way backlinks and domain reviews are related is that for every domain review submitted there is the option for two backlinks. Simply write a review of the website, submit it to review sites, and then the marketing is handled. Now that we have that out of the way, getting reviews …


The gold standard: Asking in person There’s no better way to ask for, and get, reviews than to do it in person. If you’re going to ask for reviews via email, we strongly encourage you to pre-screen your customers via an internal survey before following up with another email asking them for a public review. The best strategies for making reviews a priority across an organization include: Making better reviews a top-down focus; executives need to communicate the importance.